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September Flowers

Since receiving my Pentax K-x in May, I have been a picture taking fool and have especially enjoyed photographing the changes in my garden and the outside world in general. Check out these amazing September flowers from my garden. I love the juxtaposition of their bright blooms against the crisp skies and changing leaves.

Mexican Sunflower. Grown from seed, I thought it would never bloom:

and this bloom from the same plant (check out the color variation!):

Windflower, a new favorite:

Sedum, which is beautiful, fleshy and green all summer and than, bam:

And my favorite, which began mid-summer and are still going strong, the somewhat coarse, but never shy Zinnia (these beauties are from The Food Project CSA):

Happy almost Fall! Enjoy these beautiful days.

Just so you know. . .

IMAG0645, originally uploaded by Hannah Cloud.

there are apparently actors and models for christ.

New in my etsy shop: A ROARING good time!

Ahoy, Texy!

Tex has finally committed to a Pirate Theme for his 5th Birthday Party. First it was going to be a doohy woohy (aka go gos crazy bones) party, something I was dead set against. “What do you do at a Doohy Woohy party?” asks I. Show each other  our Doohy Woohy’s, and I don’t know.” Replies Tex.

However, his enthusiasm for all things Swashbuckling is growing as are my crafting plans. . .

We will, of course use hannahcloud DESIGN’s pirate “line” of stationery with some personal tweaks just for my Texy.

I have a tendency to go a little nuts over Birthday Parties and I will definitely post the end results.

Here are a few shots from Birthday 3: Cars and Birthday 4: Super Heroes:

(Crafts: The felt capes were super easy and I’d be happy to post a tute if anyone is interested. The super super-hero masks were purchased from Fancy That on etsy. I made the yellow car out of a large cardboard box and duct table– before I had two preschoolers obviously.)

These last two parties were pretty much free for alls, but 5 year olds can definitely handle an obstacle course treasure hunt.

Winter in August.

I’m back to making Holiday cards, this time for Indigo Prints, in the middle of the summer and and struggling for the spirit. I’m quite fond of the Holiday and Hannukah cards I made in homage to vintage Motel signage:

Photos courtesy of Indigo Prints. If you are curious about the photographers, email me and I can ask who they are.

What’s Keeping Me Busy:

Summer is, to me, an off the computer time of year so during the day I’m almost never online. When the kids fall asleep (around 9 or later unfortunately) all bets are off and I open up the laptop and start working. I’ve been doing slow but steady work through my etsy store, but designing for a new online stationery company has taken up most of my time. approached me several months ago about designing some items for their September launch and I’m having such fun working with them. 6 of my “grown-up” party designs have been accepted and I just finished submitting a slew of kid themed invites and birth related stuff. Next up is wedding parties (showers, bachelorettes, etc.) and then, the big one in this world, Holiday Cards!

Here are some of the grown-up party cards you will be able to purchase at this fall (all designs copyright protected by Indigo Prints 2010):

Hmm, looking at these all together makes me think I was a little too into yellow this summer. 🙂

I’ve been so curious to find out who else is designing for Indigo Prints and I just found out that Alaina Cherup, who does amazing wedding stationery design and writes the blog CheerupCherup is also designing! Here is her adorable birth announcement, Take Flight:

Check out the IndigoPrints Facebook Fan Page for more designs coming soon!

Backyard Birdiness: New in My Etsy Shop

Did this bespoke moving announcement for a customer who kindly agreed to let me sell it on etsy.

Viral Crying Baby Tex

Hard to believe how times have changed since Tex was a baby. In order to share videos of baby Tex with grandparents and friends, I uploaded them to YouTube. Now I hardly ever visit the site except to follow a link (steroetypically, poor Theo has hardly any movies of himself, whereas Texy’s first drool is filmed). I tvisited my account today to discover that this video of Tex has over 25,000 views.

What could possibly be so appealing about a crying baby? I can only imagine that people are watching with shock at my cruel method of parenting. Or are there people out there whose idea of fun is searching for “baby falling down” clips?

Tex’s Aunt pointed out that he might just be crying because of the Michael Jackson playing.

Sunken Treasury.

My pool party invite was featured in eNanoo’s etsy treasury called Fresh Sea Breeze which is fun and flattering in and of itself. The treasury was then chosen for Treasury Tuesday the Elite Eight on s and o productions’ blog. Cool eh?